Prioritising by Kano category

The basic version

Once you've tallied the results of your survey, the easiest way to prioritise your product roadmap is by category:

  • First, work on the Must-Be features. Without them, your product's perceived value will decrease;

  • Next, work on One-Dimensional features. Underperforming One-Dimensional features lead to a lower perception of value, so these features must be improved;

  • Only then work on Attract features: their absence or underperformance won't impact perceived value, but their presence will;

  • Then have a look at the Indifferent features: are your customer Indifferent because they don't know the features' value yet, or can you just leave these features aside?

  • Reverse features are a special brand. You typically won't have a lot of Reverse features, but if you do, take a better look. Depending on how you interpret this result, you might find that the inverse of the feature could be a Must-Be feature. Prioritise accordingly.

Last updated