

Alternative versions of the Kano model

Using only three responses (“satisfied”, “neutral”, “dissatisfied”) - Kano 2001

Revised Kano model 2019 Horton & Goers

Emery and Tian 2002

Martensen and Grönholdt 2007

Löfgren 2007

Fuzzy approach for a more objective questionnaire

(Lee and Huang, 2009)

According to Shokohyar 2020 Meng et al. 2015 proved that the integration of the Kano model and Fuzzy framework is useful in deducing consumers' uncertainties and vagueness psychology. If participants are allowed to select multiple choices on a fuzzy basis while selecting their answers, the outcomes will be closer to their original thoughts (see also Matzler 1998)

Modified cross axis of Kano's model (Shyu et al., 2013)

Beware of alternatives

An empirical comparative study between the original Kano method and substitute approaches shows that none of the alternative approaches lead to an outcome that is comparable with the outcome of the original Kano method (Witell and Löfgren, 2007)

Three-level questionnaire

The results from the three-level questionnaire consistently differ from the results of the five level Kano questionnaire (Witell and Löfgren, 2007).


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